Emiya Kiritsugu is a central character in the Fate/Zero series and the adoptive father of Emiya Shirou, the protagonist of Fate/Stay night. Kiritsugu is a complex and tragic figure whose life was marked by sacrifice and hardship.
Kiritsugu's childhood was filled with tragedy. He was orphaned at a young age when his father, a mage, began conducting dangerous experiments. Kiritsugu believed that his father's research was putting countless lives at risk, so he made the difficult decision to kill him to prevent further harm. This traumatic event had a lasting impact on Kiritsugu, leading him to become a cold and calculating assassin.
As an adult, Kiritsugu became a skilled mage and was hired to participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War. The Holy Grail War is a battle between mages, where the winner is granted a wish by the Holy Grail. Kiritsugu's wish was to create a world without conflict and suffering.
Kiritsugu's life was marked by sacrifice. He was willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goals, even if it meant sacrificing innocent lives. He saw himself as a hero who was willing to do the dirty work that others wouldn't. This led him to make difficult decisions that caused him great pain, such as killing his own wife, Irisviel, to use her as a vessel for the Holy Grail in order to grant his wish.
Kiritsugu's life was also marked by tragedy. He was unable to save many of the people he cared about, including his mentor, his wife, and his daughter, Illyasviel. He was haunted by the guilt and regret of his past actions, and he struggled with his own identity as a hero.
Kiritsugu's life was ultimately cut short when he contracted a fatal disease. He died before he could achieve his dream of creating a world without suffering. However, his legacy lived on through his son, Shirou, who inherited his father's ideals and desire to help others.
In conclusion, Emiya Kiritsugu's life was a tragic one marked by sacrifice and hardship. He was a complex character who struggled with his own identity as a hero, and who was willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goals. Despite the challenges he faced, Kiritsugu's legacy lived on through his son, Shirou, who inherited his father's ideals and desire to make the world a better place. Kiritsugu's story is a reminder that the path to heroism is not an easy one, and that even those who are willing to sacrifice everything may not always achieve their goals.